Made for my children with our memories.

For Evan, Ellis, Miles, Maia until we are connected again...

3718 days

Abduction Date

13 JULY 2014

Hello Evan, Ellis, Miles, & Maia,

We have been apart for so long. I have created this site to share with you words, pictures and videos of our time together. 

Our lives became divided in July 2014 and I have been trying to reconnect them since then. We have lost so much that families normally experience together. Please contact me and allow us to reconnect to each other. 

There are sections for each type of memory and there is a very private section that requires a password to enter. You can contact me for that password. You have my email and telephone number. I send you emails frequently to addresses provided to me, but I do not know if you are actually receiving them. If you are not receiving my emails, then please use the Contact Form on this site and your messages will come to me.

Please look through this site for our memories. 


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