FMP You’re Double Podcast – Japan Abduction Tell-All – Part 1

Welcome to a very special anniversary episode of You’re Double Podcast. We have released 50 episodes so far and this is a very special episode. We have a group of people who have been fighting the abduction and alienation issue in Japan. This is an in-depth discussion between them on topics such as the experience a left behind parent goes through, how people can help, how politicians and global agencies can help, and so much more.

Who are the guests? Before we get to that, this is going to be a 2 part episode. Some guests will appear in part 1 and some other in part 2 as it is hard to get 6 high profile individuals in a single call. The good news is that they all have been guests in our podcast before this.

Now, we have the cofounders of FMP, Enrique and Deanielle with us. We also have Vincent Fichot, James Cook, Tomas Savickas, and Rachel Endo. You can listen to our previous episodes to know more about their stories.

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